St Clements Surgery – How we deal with Complaints

Quality Assurance

The Practice aims to provide the highest possible quality of care for its patients. It is monitored by the Care Quality Commission. It works also with the local Clinical Commissioning Group to provide and improve health care for its patients in the locality.

The Practice offers a wide range of services, some provided by the doctors, a nurse practitioner and practice nurses and others provided by clinicians who work at the surgery but who are not directly employed by the Practice.

The services provided by others at the surgery include District Nurses, Health Visitors and Midwives. These clinicians also work at the surgery and also see patients in their own homes.

The Practice has formed a Patient Participation Group and carries out an annual Patient Survey to seek patient’s views about the practice. The results are shared with patients on our web site.  If you are asked to complete a questionnaire, please help by filling it in. Your views will always be very welcome.

If you are unhappy about the services by provided by NHS employees working in the surgery you should contact their employer. Information can be obtained from our Practice Manager.

Complaints Procedure

If you are not satisfied with the service or standard of treatment and care provided for you by a member of the Practice in the first instance, please talk to your doctor or ask to see the Practice Manager. Alternatively, you can write a letter of complaint or send an email to [email protected].

Processing a complaint:

  • Complaints can often be dealt with by an informal discussion or a meeting. All complaints will be investigated vigorously by the Practice Manager and the Doctors or Practice staff involved.
  • Our aim is to provide an acknowledgement to a complaint within 2 working days and a written response within 10 working days or an agreed period of time if longer. Sometimes a meeting can be arranged between those involved.
  • Normally the patient or with their consent a non-legal representative should make a complaint. It can be made in writing or verbally in person when a transcript of the conversation can be agreed.
  • Complaints should be made as soon after the event as possible, ideally no more than 6 months after the event occurred or you became aware of the reason to complain.
  • If you remain unhappy with the response you have received you can within 28 days’ contact NHS England who has its own complaints system, which involves an independent review of your complaint.

You can download a copy of the Complaint leaflet below.